We are the Underground.
Young people trying to do authentic community in West Toronto.
Currently we have multple ways for youth to meet learn and grow.
We meet Sundays at 10am at the church for our Underground youth.
We also meet Wednesdy’s at the church, 4:3o-6:30 pm for games, fellowship and Alpha Youth.
From more info contact: bert@standrewsislington.org
What We Are All About?
Becoming, because we know that faith is a life long process.
Authentic, because whatever else faith and religion are about, for us… we just wanna keep it real!
Christians, meaning follower of Christ.. and that is who we wish to follow.
Others Notice, Well, we admit we do enjoy attention.. But for us Authentic faith is a faith that people can see.. and authentic Christian faith ought to reflect the love and Grace of Jesus Christ in the lives of his followers
Hey wait…that spells B.A.C.O.N.!
Yea…easy to rememeber right? MMMM Bacon.
Our Programs/What We Do
The Underground
WHEN: Sunday Mornings
The "Underground" is our Sunday morning youth environment. For youth grade six to high school. Youth begin Sunday morning in the sanctuary with their parents during the opening worship; they are then dismissed with the other students, to the underground. Here youth talk about life and faith in an open, safe, environment.
Drop-in and Life group
WHEN: Friday Nights 7:00 pm
The drop-in is a time for youth to hang out in a safe place. Currently, we are gathering at the Church in person, we talk about life, play some games and just hang out together.
History Makers
Periodically, our groups get together for History Maker Events. During these gatherings, we sometimes go on retreats, trips to laser quest, or just play in the Gym. Whatever we do, it will be a safe time for teens to invite their friends and have some fun while we make history together.
Every summer, St. Andrew’s operates a day camp for kids. During the camp, we always have one week of L.I.T. camp. This program is for middle school students. At the camp, we teach important leadership principles in a fun and active environment. Many of our L.I.T.s come back and volunteer at our day camp, putting their leadership skills to work. A few later became employed in our camp as camp counselors. We are proud of our L.I.T. program and the many youth who have come through it.
Visit Sundays at 10am!