In-Person Worship Service
On Sunday October 11th, we will be holding a special in-person worship and communion service. Strict health protocols with be in effect for the safety of everyone. In order to ensure safe physical distancing, we will greatly reduce our seating capacity. As such, reservations are required. Please click the links below to reserve you spot. One click per person, the forms must be filled in for contact tracing purposes. If you are not able to register, don’t worry, the service will still be posted on-line at 10 am and communion will be held on Zoom at 11:15 am.
What Can I Expect?
Masks are required during the entire service unless there are medical reasons for you not to wear a mask.
Everyone will be seated by an usher to ensure social distancing. Thank you for your patience in waiting for an usher. We are working as quickly as we can.
We carefully clean each pew and rope off rows.
We will not have congregational singing but we will have music.
Communion will be served in individual single use packaging.
A WASHROOM is available.
After the Worship Service is over, dismissal will be directed by ushers. We will not have our regular coffee hour after the service.
Can I bring my Kids?
YES! There will be a small program for children aged Six to Twelve which will adhere to health protocols. Children attending this program will not go into the sanctuary. Parents will sign kids in and out at the designated area before and after the worship service. Parents will not be able to enter the class room area so as to keep it a clean and safe environment. As always, our teachers have had a police background check and have received training on care for children in a Covid setting. Masks must be worn indoors by children, parents and our staff.
Children outside the six to twelve age range will remain with their parents. We will not have a nursery program at this time.